Tap Into This Simple Manner On How Fortune Is Built Fast
Consumerism is what all human beings like doing. And it is from this very nature we have that successful companies tap into to make a lot of profit. At UNO Premier, you can have an amazingly simple system so you could earn a profit just like (and even better than) the big corporations out there without all the hassles and complexities if you risk to own and operate one.

Successful entrepreneurs and big companies understood the power of multiplied simple actions. This is how they build fortune upon fortune by tapping into more and more people consuming small things all at the same time. Now you can tap into the same potential with the profitable consumerism that UNO Premier offers.
Which is more difficult and complicated for you to do:
teaching people to sell or teaching people to consume?
Obviously, selling is a human action that is not so easy and is a complex undertaking. That’s why people need to attend seminars and training for salesmanship. But telling people to consume or buy, just point them the way. We’ve been pre-conditioned for that since the day we were born.
Consumerism: this is something that people do already. In fact, this is something that people like doing. People are not afraid when you tell them to go buy something. Just hand them over the money and they’re gone in no time. On the contrary, nothing frightens most people the moment you tell them to go sell something. More than 95% of people are afraid to sell! They hate the idea of selling because of rejection.
So which is more simple and more favorable for people to do: sell products or consume products? The answer is clear. This is the reason why consumerism is a powerful way to build residual margin. This is why profitable consumerism, as long as done right and in a simple manner, is a powerful strategy to build wealth.
Therefore, let’s do that which multiplies faster: consumerism
that brings residual profit.
Is profitable consumerism a new idea? No. It’s not. It’s a growing business culture of rewarding the consumers directly instead of dumping funds to traditional advertising and promotions. However, it has not been fully utilized and mastered by many traditional or mainstream enterprises. Here are some examples in the Philippines: SM has Rewards Card, Petron has Value Card, 7/11 has Everyday Happy Card. Among the best examples of this include SNR consumer club stores. The more you buy, the more you get cash back or rewards from your purchases.
What’s the difference of UNO Premier’s Profitable Consumerism from those traditional rewards program elsewhere? UNO Premier allows you to get rewards not just from your own personal consumption but from the consumption made by the people you brought in as customers as well. You are entitled for a reward that goes some generations down. Since consuming is way easier and more simple for people to choose than selling, imagine the explosive growth or effect it can create as more and more people participate in it? This is a simple action that when multiplied a hundred to thousand times over can offer you a solid rockstar-type of residual income.
The best products are, of course, consumables in the categories of health, wellness, nutrition and beauty. This is a trillion dollar industry that’s thriving continually due to the growing awareness on health issues and concerns. UNO Premier offers a line of exciting product selections for the health and wellness conscious. These products are set in packages, which can be purchased as entry into our Profitable Consumerism program.

Single Policy
Promotes Collaboration Not Competition
You don't need to own multiple account anymore in order to make the most out of the UNO Premier's profitable consumerism opportunity. With a single account, you get to do the business in a way that is truly collaborative and very rewarding. The reason most companies offer multiple account is so you can maximize your income. But the behavior it rewards makes it impractical and competitive among distributors.
At UNO Premier, your single account has the potential of you earning from a maximum monthly income of P800,000.00 to up to P1.9M depending on your entry package. But that's not yet exhaustive since there are up to 10 ways to earn! Traditionally, you have to get more accounts if you want to increase your income; but at UNO Premier, just get the higher packages instead and you spare yourself of sponsoring the entire town.
Single account keeps it simple. To top it off, you can actually upgrade within 90 days period in case you started out with with the low-entry packages.

One Leg
The More You Help, The More You Earn!
This is what makes UNO Premier a true royalty-oriented passive income. This is because you are entitled to receive an additional percentage on the Matching Bonus of the people you directly sponsored.
Let's say you sign up with Premier Package. Then over time, the person you sponsor earns, for example, P1M every month from his Matching Bonus. Then you get a percentage from his or her earnings, which is 5% since you're a Premier. That's an extra P50,000.00 each month on top of your own earnings! And if you're Elite Package, you get 7%! And as much as 10% if you're a Global Package entry.
Here's the catch: if you directly sponsor 10 people, and over time they earn a million each, then you are entitled with the percentage reward for their individual Matching Bonus income. So, keep helping your downlines and make it your mission that they succeed!

Affordable and Practical
Help More To Earn More
UNO Premier knows that when you're starting out, you have to keep the overhead at a practical level. When you practice profitable consumerism regularly by purchasing UNO Premier products, you are setting up a culture in your team that will result into a residual income in the long term. Since selling is not necessary but merely consume for your personal needs, there is no front loading required. You can then focus most of your resources in building up your team and organization at the outset, ensuring that you could potentially reach your financial goals faster. What's important is that you set the example that you consistently maintain and so set in motion the culture of residual income from the consumption that you and your organization make. And as your income eventually increases, you will be empowered to purchasing more and more UNO Premier products. Keep enjoying a healthy, beautiful and financially rewarding life!
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with UNO Premier Mobkard
Its Digitized Privileges for UNO Premier Members where each member can get REAL TIME PROMOTIONS (you can receive Real-Time & Relevant Flash Sales) and avail the LOCATION BASED PROMOTIONS (it allows UNO Premier members to receive location based promotions as they approach key merchants/areas).
1. Members are given a physical card which comes with the activation code for the mobile app.
2. Members download the Mobkard App, register (fill in their information) and enter the activation code.
3. They can already use the application.

1. Members login to the Mobkard App.
2. Members browse through the selection of merchants and benefits
3. Members choose a deal/privilege/promo
4. Members click on Avail/Claim